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Tackling Tables

By the end of Year 4, it is expected that children can fluently recall all multiplication and division facts to 12 x 12. 

Helping your child to learn multiplication and division facts is one of the best ways to boost their confidence and unlock their potential. 

We have recently bought into 'Tackling Tables' which is being trialled in Jays Class to support children in preparing for the multiplication check. 

Tackling Tables includes both an online platform and a card game for children to develop their understanding between multiplication and division, learn the facts and practise answering questions in timed conditions. 

For those children on 'Chilli Challenge', the intelligent practice options on the online platform will really challenge and develop children's competency and maths mastery.

Hit the button

Hit the Button is an interactive maths game with quick fire questions covering many of the Maths Passport targets including number bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, multiples, division facts and square numbers. 

Maths Passports in Year 5

We understand that practising Maths Passport targets with your child in Year 5 can become increasingly more challenging as they move through the passports beyond number bonds and times tables targets. 


Below are some fun, online games that your child can play to practise their targets for the last of the main passports, Lost Island and Atlantis.  For some of the trickier targets, there are also links to external sites to develop both you and your child's understanding of how these are taught in school. Great care has been taken to identify appopriate websites, however we cannot accept responsibility for their content.  Parents should always supervise their children appropriately when they are using the internet.


Please ask your child’s class teacher if you would like further advice about how you can support your child at home. 

Click to Download LOST ISLAND [pdf 125KB] Click to Download
Click to Download ATLANTIS [pdf 142KB] Click to Download


Why not test your times table recall and get active at the same time?