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Our Curriculum

Our Early Years curriculum is based around the needs of our learners, their interests and the requirements of the Statutory Framework for Early Years.

The learning experiences are based on first-hand experiences which captivate our learners, encouraging them to become passionate and curious learners.

Early Reading

We use Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) as our Systematic Synthetic Phonics program. The aim is to get all children to read well, quickly.

For more information please see the reading tab in currciulum. 

A love of reading

We want all children to develop a love of reading and stories through story telling, exploring books and reading regularly.

Early Years writing and mark making

Early Maths

Our Maths learning is guided by White Rose Maths

We have devised our own Early Years Maths Passports to support children's developing early number. Progression through these passports puts children in an excellent position to meet the Early Learning Goal by the end of the reception year. 

Early Years Forest School

We spend time at Forest School every week with our Forest School leader. At Forest School we explore our wonderful outdoor environment, continually building our awareness and knowledge of the outdoors including the changes in weather, seasons, animals and plants. Our wonderful surroundings give rise to experiences of awe and wonder.