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Bee Visit Photos In Summer Term Gallery!

Our Special School Grounds

Magpie Class Assembly

We were very proud of the children when they shared their learning with families at our Class assembly yesterday!

It was so lovely to be able to present within our wellbeing garden, which means so much to the children and for so many parents to join us.    The children's books were shared, fruit treats were enjoyed and the class took part in a range of fun tasks with those who had joined them, including bug hunts, map reading and looking at some of our bug wire sculptures.

Please enjoy the photos and video below.

Magpie class assembly in the wellbeing garden - Wednesday 6th July

We will become guardians of our school grounds, improving and supporting the nature and ecosystems we are so proud of!


Dear Parents / Carers,

Welcome to the summer term! 

Please find the thematic plan below which gives an overview of the exciting learning theme we have planned for this term.

We will explore the wildlife we can find in our own school habitats and learn about food chains, classification and the processes required to recognise that something is living .

We will be finding out about habitats, plants and animals in different environments including our nature area and ponds. As these areas are so important to us, we will work to maintain and improve them while studying them. 

If you, or someone you know, have skills that could support our learning with these topics, please come and speak to us! Additionally, if your child has a book at home based on an aspect of nature, they are very welcome to bring it in to share with the class to support our learning. 

Click to Download Our Special School Grounds Thematic Plan [docx 9MB] Click to Download

Overview of the subjects which are separate from the learning theme:  



We will be developing our understanding of fractions, through more simple fractions of shapes to more complex fractions of numbers. In addition, we will be focusing on Time. Please can you practise telling the time with your child at home. We will also be continuing our work on children’s maths passports.


We will continue to learn about extended greetings and questions including saying your name, and use in short sentences/conversations; learn vocabulary for colours and revise numbers to 10.


We will be exploring the following question: Who is Muslim, and how do they live?  Finding out about daily life and worship routines for Muslims; identifying the Koran as the holy book of Islam.


Swimming: Every fortnight the children will be developing their swimming skills. 

We will also be developing our tennis skills. In this unit the children will develop the key skills required for tennis such as the ready position, racket control and forehand and backhand ground strokes. The class will learn how to score points and how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition.


How can you help at home? 



Homework will be mainly linked to MyMaths. MyMaths has tutorials/lessons linked to the homework given, as well as fun games to practise mathematical skills. MyMaths is set every Wednesday and is due on the following Wednesday.  

Please encourage your child to complete their homework, which can be provided as a paper version on request although the online format is. The children will be able to mark their homework straight away; if your child has scored below 70% they will be expected to try again.

Maths Passports

To support their daily session in school, your child’s Maths Passports should be practiced at least 3 times a week at home. Copies of the children’s passports are sent home when they move to a new one and will also be being stuck into the back of their reading records. Use of the children’s Numbots or TTRockstars account will assist in securing their number facts.  Once they get to the Africa passport, they will need to practice multiplication and division, and you can help by asking tables questions, mixing up the order and asking division facts, for example “How many 5s in 25?” Online resources to help include a very good site called “Hit the Button” where they can practice multiplication, division addition and subtraction facts. Targets, guidance sheets and links to online games can be found on the school website .



Please listen to your child read at least three times a week to support your child's progress for the Class Reading Challenge.  Their three reads must be from their school scheme book, although enjoying other stories and types of texts in encouraged to create a real love of reading.  It is also really beneficial to have times where you read to, and enjoy stories with your child.

Please ask them a range of questions about what they have read to check their understanding, examples of questions can be found on their ‘Totally Pawsome Reading Gang’ bookmark which was sent home with their new reading record in September. We will keep a close check on the reading books and check their home/ school books. To develop your child’s fluency we will ask them to practise re-reading some of the pages. This can also be done at home. The book will be changed regularly once your child has developed good understanding and has improved their rate and accuracy.  Children are encouraged to put their reading book and record together in the book box as they come into the class in the morning, if their book needs changing.

The children’s reading record books will be checked every Monday for their three reads a week, please ensure an adult signs for each of the reads.

Copies of the children’s log-in details for MyMaths are in their reading record books. 


Equipment. Please can the children continue to bring the minimum into school.

PE kit: Please ensure that your child is wearing their PE kit every Thursday, that earrings are removed (if the child can’t do it themselves) and long hair is tied back.

Outdoor trainers: A pair of trainers for outdoor sessions to be kept in your child’s locker all week.

Water bottle: Please ensure that your child has their named water bottle filled with water at the beginning of each day.

Reading books and Home School Contact Book. These items should be brought into school every day.

Personal equipment: Each child is provided with a school pencil case with all the equipment they need for learning; therefore, personal pencil cases and equipment from home are not necessary.


Staff in Magpies

Mrs Fellows will be teaching the children on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with Miss Sprawson in the class on Thursdays and Fridays.   We also have Mrs Atanasova, as a teaching assistant, in class supporting the children’s learning.  On Wednesday afternoon, the class will enjoy French and RE with Mrs Russell.

Finally, if you ever have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to continue to contact us via email, or by phoning the school.


We look forward to working with you and your children this term,

Miss Sprawson and Mrs Fellows